Welcome to our site! With the birth of our daughter, Naomi, we decided to create a place to keep friends and family updated. We'd like to post pictures, share news, and exchange greetings to keep in touch...enjoy!
Cute smile in one of my old shirts that my mom saved and washed up for us!
This is Naomi, Mona, Ian, and Hannah at brunch in early December. We have had a good time keeping in touch with some of our natural childbirth classmates and the newest additions!
Out shopping in Charlottesville for one of Naomi's Christmas present. She loved being carried in our pretty woven wrap.
Bathtime fun!
Christmas Eve with cousins Rayna and Kyle. I need to get some more Christmas pictures from my family though, because it seems that we took some video, but they got the good still shots...
Welcome to our site! With the birth of our daughter, Naomi, we decided to create a place to keep friends and family updated. We'd like to post pictures, share news, and exchange greetings to keep in touch...enjoy!