All unbreakable ornaments on our tree this year, save one or two at the top, and Naomi has really enjoyed rearranging the ones within her reach on the bottom. She takes them off, admires and examines them, and put them back on again.
Our Christmas tree is rather Charlie Brown-esque, as we purchased it a few years ago for our small duplex, but it dresses up acceptably well. Naomi's section of the tree is a bit, shall we say, "busy"

but all in all still evokes a festive spirit in the house. The rest of our decorating is relatively simple--some stockings and garland on the mantel with a nativity and a few Christmas bears and elves (garnered from my childhood) perched above. A bright, felt Advent tree, with my great great aunt's antique buttons in rows on the bottom to pin on the tree as ornaments each day leading up to Christmas. A wreath on the door with bright red ribbons on the porch beams, and a goal yet unaccomplished to cut some greenery from the area around our house to hang. Perhaps this weekend!