Welcome to our site! With the birth of our daughter, Naomi, we decided to create a place to keep friends and family updated. We'd like to post pictures, share news, and exchange greetings to keep in touch...enjoy!

Thursday, January 17, 2008

Snow Day!

Here in Roanoke, we had the first significant accumulation of snow in 2 years. Four inches, which "down here" is enough to close all schools, cancel many other events, and send Paul home from work after just a few hours. We had fun outdoors with Naomi, and enjoyed the extra time at home together. Hooray for snow days!


Randy & Pam said...

We love the snow day pics. Maybe I can make some additional parts for your snowman kit.

Rosie said...

i love the top picture with naomi and paul. her expression is priceless!!

Anonymous said...

Pics are too cute.....I just love my niece!