Welcome to our site! With the birth of our daughter, Naomi, we decided to create a place to keep friends and family updated. We'd like to post pictures, share news, and exchange greetings to keep in touch...enjoy!

Friday, October 5, 2007

the first weeks

We were so lucky to have family able to visit on Naomi's birth day. Paul's family had plans to travel to Myrle Beach on Labor Day, so they were all in Lynchburg preparing for their trip. This was wonderful timing, as it meant that Paul's sister Keri and our niece Emily (who live in Atlanta, GA) were nearby... Paul's brother Chris and wife Randi were also in town from South Boston, and they all made the trip together with Paul's mom Barbara and her fiance Sammy.

My parents drove down from PA and arrived that evening, and were able to stay through Labor Day.

Paul holding Naomi (and a smile!) that first afternoon.
First nap in her crib, wearing a Winnie the Pooh sleeper that was orginally mine...

Fluffy cotton bum in her cloth diapers!
So relaxed...

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